Stay Thirsty My Friends

Everyone knows the “Most Interesting Man in the World,” but sadly, his reign as the spokesman for Dos Equis is coming to an end. The beloved adventurer is set to take one last grand voyage: a one-way trip to Mars. After 10 successful years, the company has decided to give their ads a reboot in an effort to preserve the relevance of the campaign. This isn’t the end, it’s a new beginning.

While we havendos equis’t been told the details of what will come next for Dos Equis, chief marketing officer Nuno Teles does reveal that they are “looking for a more modern take on the character that will appeal even more to young people.” They want to keep things fresh and even include social media in their ads. Teles further explained, “Jonathan as the ‘Most Interesting Man’ is always looking back. He’s always referring to what he did in the past. We believe there’s space to be more relevant for current consumers as well as new customers.” Thus begins the transition from the original man we all know and love, to the new and improved Dos Equis campaign.

It’ll be interesting to see how this transformation plays out. With such a famous character, maybe even iconic, it might be difficult to move on to something else and leave the “Most Interesting Man” behind. I personally loved this campaign, and while I understand why this change is occurring, I’m skeptical if Dos Equis can follow it with something better. Teles seems to be confident that they can do it and said, “Why do you change something that is working? Because we can do better. Because we know that we have a way to evolve.”

Stay Thirsty My Friends

Trumping the Media

Regardless of the political opinion of Mr. Donald Trump, he dominates both traditional and nontraditional media. Turn on your news station. CNN, FOX, NBC ect. Liberal or Conservative news stations have complete coverage on the candidate.

What I find most interesting about Donald Trump is that he does not have a typical campaign. He has not put out commercials or advertisement about his campaign. He has simply used the free-press media. This includes social media platforms and planted # hashtags.

His Twitter is (we assume) run by himself most of the time. He has an online voice that other candidates do not. Not that he is the nicest or most respectful man in the world, but one would have to agree that he has campaigned through interviews, debates and social media. No paid advertisement.

He has been a public figure for years being both a business man and producer of the reality TV show, “The Apprentice.” I feel as though this has contributed to his campaign. He did not have to make himself known to the public. We already knew him as a celebrity and his reputation for being a tiny bit… um… outspoken (using the best possible word).

I, in no way am saying that some of the things he has said regarding himself and other people have not been crude or inappropriate. They have. However, this has gotten him an overwhelming amount of coverage.

It makes me wonder as to if he did not say inappropriate comments, would the media take such interest in him? Would other candidates be doing better because they have an equal amount of time?

I suppose we will never know. We can learn something from Mr. Trump. Using social media is important. It gives you a voice and helps build your personal brand. Not only does it further his campaign, but it is unpaid for advertising.


Trumping the Media

Batman, Superman, and Turkish Airlines


Warner Bros. takes to the skies to advertise their new movie “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.” Set to premiere March 25th, this movie is creating a lot of hype for fans of the famous DC comic book heroes, but Warner Bros. is seeking the interest of more than the average superhero fan. To further advertise this exciting upcoming movie, Warner Bros. has partnered with Turkish Airlines to recreate the worlds of these two heroes onboard one of their Boeing 777 aircrafts. How cool is that?

The partnership between these two companies began back in February, but gained much more attention from the commercial that aired during the Oscars. This advertising campaign aims to bring the world of “Batman v Superma90e0bb2791a94ce097eec66bf0a97c65n: Dawn of Justice” to life. Turkish Airlines and Warner Bros. worked together to provide travelers with “movie-themed onboard menu items, travel kits, and special travel guides for Metropolis and Gotham.” The plane is also outfitted with “Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice imagery.”

As a huge Batman fan myself, I can’t wait to see this movie. I find this advertising tactic creative and I think it’ll be very successful. What better way to create buzz than immersing people right in the middle of the movie’s world? Reading about this made me want to buy a plane ticket to Turkey just so I could experience the real life Gotham that Warner Bros. and Turkish Airlines came up with. Too bad I’m a college student who can’t afford to just pack up and fly to Turkey without hesitation.

It’ll be interesting to see how this campaign plays out and how it will affect ticket sales for the movie. Could this become a new norm for advertising?

Batman, Superman, and Turkish Airlines

Less is More?

This week NBC and Buzzfeed announced some exciting news for viewers. February 29th will be a day full of more TV, more fun posts, and less commercials. How is this possible? Doesn’t NBC need ads so they can afford to provide TV programs? Well, American Express came up with a way to advertise with less commercials, allowing NBC and Buzzfeed to provide more content for their viewers.

This “reverse advertising” campaign is the first of its kind and looks like it may be revolutionary for the world of advertising. American Express decided to “sponsor” content on Buzzfeed and NBC this Leap Day. Through this method, both Buzzfeed and NBC can afford to show more content with less ads by simply reinforcing the message that American Express wants to send: “American Express gives you more.” Viewers will receive more content with less commercials all day this Leap Day beginning on the Today Show, throughout primetime, and ending with Late Night with Seth Meyers.

Could this form of branding with less commercials be the new normal of advertising? More TV, more content, less commercials, all sponsored by a certain brand. Sounds like a win win win to me. Viewers will enjoy more of what they want and less advertisement interruptions. For this they have American Express to thank. I think this is a genius advertising move on American Express’s part.

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out this Monday. Will it be a total flop? Or will this campaign revolutionize how advertising works in the future? Could less equal more in the end? We’ll soon find out.

Less is More?